Monday, March 18, 2013


Ok, now that I've jumped into blogging, let me back up a little and introduce myself.  My name is Stephanie, I'm a 44 year old mom to seven kids, ages 24 down to 4 years old.  I started my parenting journey using very punitive methods, and about 10 years into it, finally had to admit that they were not working for me.  I started hearing about "positive discipline" and reluctantly and skeptically decided to give it a try.  Thirteen years later, I am so glad I did! 

My original parenting choices were based on the teachings I was getting from my parents, my church, and popular Christian parenting authors like Dr. Dobson.  I have done a lot of scripture searching over the past 13 years, and I have learned that the Bible really does not support a punitive approach.  I have found that grace-based methods more closely line up with what the Bible teaches about God, sin, punishment and grace.

So why The Shepherd's Apprentice? Because that's how I see myself, my job is to try to imitate the Good Shepherd and treat my little sheep the way he treats them.  I also realize that I'm not ever really going to be a shepherd, I'm just an older sheep myself.  The best thing I can do for my lambs is to do my very best to follow the shepherd as closely as I can and show them the right way to go by going there myself.

I think Paul said it best... "Follow me as I follow Christ".

My blog is just to share my experiences and what has worked for me... usually following a lot of things I have tried that do NOT work.   I don't claim to know all the answers, I don't think there are any answers that will fit every child. I believe God is a lot more specific than that, and he tells us what is best for each child individually.  That said, I do believe that there are certain things that are harmful or that do not line up with the character of God.  There is no "right way", but there are some very definite "wrong ways" to parent.  (ie. abuse, neglect, etc.)

So welcome to my blog, I hope you enjoy reading, and please feel free to comment!


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